Sneak peek into the world of Andrew Lloyd Weber's CATS
I filmed at the the Annual yards sale for Helping Hands for the Plymouth Animal Shelter, its scheduled from 9-1pm and will be held at the Shelter in Cedarville, MA. They have great donated items and a lemonade stand run buy kids who really love helping animals. #purrviewtvshow
We produced this PSA for the MSPCA because I was in need of some pre-preoduced footage for my show. The MSPCA (Rob Halpin- PR Guru and Cat Lover) was so wonderful to work with- they embraced my idea and I was able to partner with them to create a PSA that they could use as well. Jesse Mermell was the spokesperson with her dog Isabella. She is very professional and lovely to work with and she has a great relationship with her dog that shines through in this piece. We use this PSA in Purr View ...
Meet Peg, a cat momma from Plymouth, Massachusetts. After spending about spend $7 a day feeding her three cats decided to look into an alternative way to feed high quality cat food, while also saving money
In this video, my friend is showing how she uses the Aerokat Inhaler
#purrviewtvshow Learn about the Kingston, MA Animal Shelter- They have an animal care fund, from public donations that helps the shelter provide medical care for the dogs and cats that they care for. Meet Joan Sems, and Deb Mueller Animal Control Officer at the Kingston Animal Shelter. In this segment you can see how nice the shelter conditions are and learn about all the great work they're doing on behalf of Kingston animals. Aired on Purr View TV Show- Produced by Tonia Fleming through PACTV ...
#purrviewtvshow Celebrate the Christmas Season at Pet Photos With Santa, a fundraising event for Helping Hands For the Plymouth Animal Shelter in Plymouth. Special Thanks to Deb Balboni and Santa (Ron Lightbody, and all the people at Helping Hands For Plymouth Animal Shelter.) Credits We’re members of Plymouth Area Community Television (PACTV) Produced and Originally Aired at PACTV Plymouth, MA Music Library provided by PACTV Member use. Written, Produced, Hosted & Edited by Tonia ...
When I first started out learning how to film and edit video I began by helping local animal shelters promote cats. PSA featuring: Kingston Animal Shelter Cat Adoption Spotlight on 'Emma' Dustin and I shot an interview with the Kingston Animal Shelter last month and I was so moved by the beautiful and sweet cats at the shelter I really wanted to make a spotlight section for my show. I've decided to add at least one or two cat adoption spotlights in between segments of my show episodes ...
Cat Expose' a segment of the upcoming episode of Purr View TV Show is uploaded to in search of the Feline Lifestyle at the 2012 Amazing Pet Expo in Wilmington MA.
TICA Cat Show Marston Mills 2012
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