Blog Growing Cat Grass At Home
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Growing Cat Grass At Home


Cat Grass is one of the easiest things to grow - even people who aren't very good at the garden, can grow Cat Grass. Thats because it's as simple as sprinkling some seeds on a tiny amount of soil, even in a plastic food container with a cover, water it, and it will sprout in just a few days. They don't require deep roots and the cats will chew on them so quickly over a couple days that they don't need to last too long. In fact, by the time your first seeds start to burst forth, I suggest you start a second planting LOL. 


Cats love chewing on the grass all times of the year, but I think they especially appreciate it in the middle of winter! Eating this type of grass can help with hairballs and digestion, in fact cat grass can be a healthy natural laxative for some cats. Have you ever had a shot of juiced wheatgrass in the morning? Then you know how many nutrients are packed inside that, and when seeds are sprouted they have many nutrients and vitamins at that stage especially. It can help with stress and provide a natural instinct for cats to chew on things besides plastic.

How To Start

You can find the seeds almost anywhere from local grocery stores to garden centers, and you can order them online. The seeds should be Wheatgrass seeds, or a mix of barley, oats and rye. This is important because Wheatgrass and the blends are softer around the edges and docent cut the lips of your pet than lawn grass. Also they are cat safe, and the most important thing to remember is to purchase ORGANIC seeds. 

Ideas for Inspiration

My clients have a variety of ways that they share Cat Grass with their cats. I've seen people use those small plastic food storage containers with a lid. Some people make a few of them at a time but only add water to one at a time - keeping the others in storage until they're ready to use. I've seen some clients use a small 1/4 plastic container from a deli (like this one in the picture). Those seem to work very well and can be placed inside a ceramic cat dish for a vintage style. Other clients have fancy water fountains that have a special spot just for a small cat grass space and these seem to come with the growing container that fits. What would be your creative inspiration for starting cat grass, and how would your style work in your home? Remember once the Cat Grass is growing, it needs to be in a good location for your cats to access. 

Lastly, it just looks so pretty to have around the house  especially in the lonely dark month of January!

If you start this project please share a picture of your style and let us know how the cats liked the Cat grass in the comment section below. 

Supplies and Instructions 

This lesson contains affiliate links from Amazon

Step 1: Purchase Fresh Organic Cat Grass Seeds: Wheatgrass

Here is a link to ask easy kit on Amazon, You can also find these seeds and small kits at grocery stores, pet supply stores and in garden centers. 

Step 2: Decide on your growing Container

If you purchase a kit to get started it usually has a container, but if you have seeds, you will need to decide on a growing container. My advice would be to find something small enough that would fit into another container. For example starting seeds in a small round container and you can fit it into a cat bowl so it docent leak any water on the floor etc. 

Step 3: Fill the container with potting soil and top with seeds

The seeds don't need to be deep at all they can be sprinkled on top of the soil and just pushed down little into the soil. You will see the seeds visibly. Then water! You can cover with a lid of plastic as long as your cat won't eat the plastic wrap and place in a warm location. After just a few days the seeds will germinate. 

Step 4: Let the shafts grow for a few days

The grass needs to grow for a few days to establish their roots and once they are about 4 inches tall or more they can be put down and made available for your cats. As the grass grows make sure to water just enough that it docent get soggy wet but stays damp or misted in the soil.

Step 5: Offer it to your cat 

Congratulations, You have just created your first item in your At Hoe Cat Safe Garden! Please post in the comments or share a picture of your cat grass!


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